Am I Too Old To Learn Programming
Maybe you’re a doctor, a chef, a home decorator, a musician or perhaps just never really done anything you had a passion for most of your life and one day you discovered programming or always knew about it but never had the time to pursue it. There can be many factors but in each scenario, time has become a factor, you’re not 17 anymore, so can you still learn how to code, how to become a programmer, is there a possibility of you getting into the programming profession? These are questions that most people who are interested in programming but feel perhaps they are too old and not going to be able to catch up starting off at such a late age. If you look at the situation from this point of view, it can be really intimidating and frightening which stops most people from taking that step to increasing their knowledge and learning this amazing skill. The good news is no, no one is too old to learn how to be a programmer and I believe every person who puts their mind and ef...