Am I Too Old To Learn Programming

Maybe you’re a doctor, a chef, a home decorator, a musician or perhaps just never really done anything you had a passion for most of your life and one day you discovered programming or always knew about it but never had the time to pursue it. There can be many factors but in each scenario, time has become a factor, you’re not 17 anymore, so can you still learn how to code, how to become a programmer, is there a possibility of you getting into the programming profession?

These are questions that most people who are interested in programming but feel perhaps they are too old and not going to be able to catch up starting off at such a late age.

If you look at the situation from this point of view, it can be really intimidating and frightening which stops most people from taking that step to increasing their knowledge and learning this amazing skill.

The good news is no, no one is too old to learn how to be a programmer and I believe every person who puts their mind and effort into it can achieve their goal.

If you look at programming and all the languages that have been created, there are hundreds of thousands of languages created over time and coding is evolving everyday with new functionalities, features, codes and rules and it is going to be a very long time if not never stop progressing and changing and all who are in programming should realize that you are always learning something new every single day and it is an endless cycle of always keeping yourself up to date with programming.

From what I know, I doubt that there is a single person that knows every single programming language and knows every single aspect of programming and has mastered all.

So my point is, if you wish to learn something or accomplish something, learn the language that is needed to achieve this, don’t think you have to learn every language there is and over stress yourself.

You can learn a single language in a short time and be able to do a lot as a programmer with it so don’t let your age get in the way of you learning.

Stop, stop and erase that thought from your mind, take a deep breath and ask yourself, do I have a passion for technology, coding or what you wish to pursue? Am I committed and determined to give it my best? Do I enjoy what I want to achieve?

Now imagine it, for those few seconds of time, close your eyes and see yourself achieving this goal and after you seen it, open your eyes and make it happen.

There is no limit to a person’s ability of pursuing his or her dream, the only thing that stands in your way is you, your inner fears and if you conquer this, you can make anything come true.

If you believe, truly believe in something and have the passion and commitment to see it through then go for it, don’t hold back and give it your all.

Dreams don’t come true while sitting and waiting but taking the necessary steps in order to reach the place in your life where you want to be no matter your age or gender, if you put your mind to something, you can achieve it.



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