Do You Have To Be A Genius To Do Programming

When it comes to programming and coding and all that has to do with technology and dealing with manipulating code, people tend to have the notion that you have to be super intelligent and a genius with a high IQ and basically a total geek or nerd, no offense.

This is utter nonsense and a huge misconception through society and an absolutely wrong mind set as I do not believe you have to have the greatest mind to become a programmer or learn how to  code.

Now I’m not talking about making an operating system or something super huge like inventing a new feat in technology but I’m talking about actually learning how to code as this can be done by anyone who puts their mind to it with focus and determination and be committed to learning.

Don’t get me wrong, even reaching new heights in technology or creating an operating system, I believe you don’t have to be a genius to create this. If you dream it and you put all your energy and be committed to your dream, I know anything can be possible.

But getting back to what I’m trying to say is that any person who puts their mind to learning basic programming can accomplish this and say I have written a piece of code and I understand what I have done.

Look at this one fellow I know, he honestly was never the sharpest tool in the shed, always playing around and fooling around, never came from a technological background of expertize yet always had a fascination for technology and programming. He’d always, wonder what is programming? Why do you need programming? It all just seemed too farfetched and not within his capabilities of comprehension. Even if he asked someone, what is programming and all these questions that he pondered in his mind through time? People just laughed and said to him you won’t understand. It’s far too complicated for you.

All of this made him even more determined to learn how to program and code. So he took that step and told himself he is going to focus and take the chance so that he may never live to regret not taking this chance and he did.

 After a year has gone by, he still has so much more to learn and is still in his baby steps in programming but guess what, he doesn’t have to ask anyone any questions anymore, no one can tell him it’s too complicated for him.

He learnt how to code, he finally understands what is programming and he is loving the learning experience and you know what he is no genius and I truly believe that if he can learn how to code, anyone can learn but always remember what you put in is what you get out.

If you are fascinated about something and have that feeling within yourself to learn something, do it, just do it.

I hope I have convinced you all that you don’t have to be super smart to do programming, we all solve problems in every aspect of your lives and is one of the most natural aspects to our being. If you want to learn to code, learn, ask for help, maybe the first person might not help you but don’t give up and you’ll realize every person has a genius in them.


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