
Showing posts from March, 2017

Creating An HTML Page

What Is HTML? HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language which is the standardized system for tagging text to view font, graphics, colour and hyperlinks on electronic pages found on the internet as shown when you google it. Basically in simpler terms, all the sites that you visit and all the information within those pages are provided through using HTML. Most people believe that HTML is a programming language which is wrong as it is a markup language. HTML is one of the easiest things to learn in my opinion and I think everyone should try to learn it as it is easily accessible to all and is actually quite fun. There are many tools available for creating HTML pages but if you just have a simple text editor, such notepad, you can make an HTML page with ease. Here is a little exercise you can try out to create your first simple HTML page with the basic tags to get you started. Follow the steps below: 1.        Start up you...

10 Tips In Programming!

Below, I have listed some aspects which I believe every programmer should include in his journey through the life of a programmer. At times, you may feel a bit lost and in need of some standards or directions and so I came up with this that I have found beneficial along the way. 1.     Understand Problems This is a must for every programmer out there and is a crucial stepping stone to becoming a good programmer and is one of the basic concepts that needs to be developed in order to be able to be a programmer. Programming is essentially solving problems so you should obtain this skill as then you would be faced with a hard road ahead. 2.     Learn To Plan Generally when starting off learning how to program, you tend to get so excited that you don’t really plan but just go straight into coding and end up in a web of confusion with no guidelines and structure. It is as if you deriving to somewhere you have never been before with no way...

Keeping Updated With Technology

It is always a must in our everyday lives at this point in time to be clued up with technology and all the advancements that the world is making towards a better future. This also for most can be a bit overwhelming and seem like so much to take in at times. I am sure there are some who tend to get a bit lazy and don’t want to spend their time reading constantly or are so busy with our everyday routines that we don’t seem to have the time for it. I will admit that I too at times are guilty of this and become lazy and this is normal and understandable as we are human at the end of the day. Keeping updated is important though and we need to make the time for it as technology is always moving and advancing and you learn so much by getting informed. Maybe even an hour a day just to sit and relax while reading the news. There are many resources to get updated with technology and you do what suites you best. Resources comes in many forms now days as you get ...