Creating An HTML Page

What Is HTML?

HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language which is the standardized system for tagging text to view font, graphics, colour and hyperlinks on electronic pages found on the internet as shown when you google it.

Basically in simpler terms, all the sites that you visit and all the information within those pages are provided through using HTML.

Most people believe that HTML is a programming language which is wrong as it is a markup language.

HTML is one of the easiest things to learn in my opinion and I think everyone should try to learn it as it is easily accessible to all and is actually quite fun.

There are many tools available for creating HTML pages but if you just have a simple text editor, such notepad, you can make an HTML page with ease.

Here is a little exercise you can try out to create your first simple HTML page with the basic tags to get you started.

Follow the steps below:

1.       Start up your computer obviously…J
2.       Open up notepad…this is the most basic text editor and I am sure most people have this.
3.       Type the following as follows:



<title>                  </title>





4.       What you see above are called tags which are used to create your HTML page. I have left spaces to make it more readable for you and hopefully easier to understand.

5.       Below I shall explain these tags so you can have a better understanding in the simplest way I can.

<html> - This marks the beginning of the page which is fairly simple to understand.

</html> - This marks the ending of the page which is simple as well.

Notice that you get a pair of opening and closing tags which most tags have.

<head> - This is as it states which is the head of the page.

<title> - This is found within the head tags as shown above and is the title of your page which is displayed on your tab.

<body> - Here is where all the information that be placed using more relevant tags which I shall introduce you to later on.

6.       The next step is to save this file so, go save as and save it whatever name you wish but keep it as one word followed by .html – this is the extension needed to be used for it to be recognized as an html page.
7.       Now that you’ve saved the page, you can open up the html page. At the moment, it will be blank but as we move forward, you shall see content.
8.       Make sure after every item added, you save the document so you do not lose anything as well as you can then open the html page and refresh it to watch the pages take place.
9.       Now that we have an idea of what this is and what we doing, let us add something to the title as shown below, you can write anything you wish.



<title>  Hello Junaid      </title>





  Next, we shall add a heading inside the body tags. To insert a heading, you will need insert a new tag within the body tags as shown below:



<title>  Hello Junaid      </title>



<h1>      Welcome To My Page   </h1>



1   <h1> - This is a tag for headings. This stands for heading 1. There are 6 types of headings starting from h1 all the way to h6.

1   To understand this concept better, you should try all the headings with the body tags like shown below:



<title>  Hello Junaid      </title>



<h1>      Welcome To My Page   </h1>
<h2>      Welcome To My Page   </h2>
<h3>      Welcome To My Page   </h3>
<h4>      Welcome To My Page   </h4>
<h5>      Welcome To My Page   </h5>
<h6>      Welcome To My Page   </h6>



1   I am going to show you one more item which is to add a paragraph to your new page and this is done within the body with yet another tag for this as shown below:


<title> Hello Junaid       </title>



<h1>      Welcome To My Page   </h1>
<h2>      Welcome To My Page   </h2>
<h3>      Welcome To My Page   </h3>
<h4>      Welcome To My Page   </h4>
<h5>      Welcome To My Page   </h5>
<h6>      Welcome To My Page   </h6>

Here you can write whatever stories you wish to write as this is the tag used to write multiple line for a paragraph. You can write as much as you want.



1 Now that you have an understanding of how an HTML page works, you can now discover more tags that you can use to put more information onto your page and make it as you wish.

  There are many resources on the internet to discover more amazing tags that you can use so make the most of it.

This is just the basics of html and there is much more fun things you can do with an HTML page.

My intention is to give you that first start and create an awareness of how simple and fun it can be. I really do hope you enjoyed this and hopefully it has brought upon an interest within you about how HTML pages are created.


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