10 Tips In Programming!

Below, I have listed some aspects which I believe every programmer should include in his journey through the life of a programmer. At times, you may feel a bit lost and in need of some standards or directions and so I came up with this that I have found beneficial along the way.

1.    Understand Problems

This is a must for every programmer out there and is a crucial stepping stone to becoming a good programmer and is one of the basic concepts that needs to be developed in order to be able to be a programmer. Programming is essentially solving problems so you should obtain this skill as then you would be faced with a hard road ahead.

2.    Learn To Plan

Generally when starting off learning how to program, you tend to get so excited that you don’t really plan but just go straight into coding and end up in a web of confusion with no guidelines and structure. It is as if you deriving to somewhere you have never been before with no way of navigation. The only way you would reach your destination is through sheer luck with no guide to how you should reach there.

So planning is vital and plays an important role in getting your programs done with much more ease and efficiently.

3.    Read Read Read!

Books and the internet are a great source of information and information as well as getting the theoretical part of programming is important to increasing your knowledge in all aspects of IT.

4.    Practice

Putting all the knowledge you gain to practice is a must to better understand and grasp a better understanding. Practice should be a stable and performed as many times as possible. Be sure to practice the correctly to ensure a fruitful session.

5.    Ask For Help

Never be scared or shy to ask for help as with the help of others, you can pick up on aspects that you find difficulty with much easier. There are many communities online that offer aid in learning and assisting when help is needed so ask for help.

6.    Keep Updated

Technology is a fast paced environment and people in IT should be keeping updated all the time especially in programming with all the new languages and new features that are being implemented so frequently. Don’t be left behind, stay updated.

7.    Build Small Projects

Once you’ve learnt the basics in programming, it is good to start little simple projects to get the feel of it and to put all that you have learnt into practice. This will sharpen your skills as well as get you more experience of applying your knowledge. Start with perhaps a simple application for your mobile or a simple application for your computer.

8.    Share Your Knowledge

Sharing is caring as they say and by sharing you are adding more benefit to yourself as well as other. Sometimes helping others fills in the gaps of aspects that you’ve never picked up on or missed. It also gives you the room to improve and see things in a different light.

9.    Never Give Up

Due to the stress that comes with programming time after time and the obstacles you shall face through the learning curve, people would not push through and simply end up giving into the fear and giving up. Don’t give up as once you go through all the challenges and gain the end result, it is all worthwhile. Never lose your focus and be committed and you will see what a great and amazing feeling of accomplishment overwhelms you.

10. Have Fun

Most of all, have fun. Programming is an amazing and exciting field to get into and yes it challenging at times but that’s the most fun part of programming as you are always challenging yourself. So have fun and happy coding.

So this is my 10 tips in programming that I wished to share…I hope that this helps you in your journey and I wish you well.


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