Books Vs The Internet
Books Vs The Internet
There are two main ways that are most common for studying or learning and that is the old faithful book and somewhat 'new comer', the internet.
Is there one better than the other when it comes to gaining knowledge and furthering your skills in whichever field you wish to enlighten yourself on?
This is a question with no right or wrong answer but I am here to share my opinion on this as I’m sure this question has crossed many minds through time when given this choices.
So here it goes, with my opinion being that both are equally essential and beneficial for you to have a balance between both resources. When singled out, using just one of both, in my experience there seems to be a gap of information that can be left out or not fully comprehended.
Understanding through reading a book is an absolutely different experience which uses words to engulf the imagination and is expressed in such a way that the reader acknowledges and feels the emotion and concepts of the writer through every written piece of information and find that connection to one another. Books are an amazing resource and should not be discarded as old fashioned or outdated in most cases as generally you’ll pick things that would surprise you.
Books are written by people who took the time to share valuable insights of experiences and vast knowledge that they have accumulated through time and passed this valuable treasure through countless hours of finding the words to connect to people and pass on their minds through the connection of ideas and emotions through words.
The internet on the other hand is also a magnificent tool used widely to easily access information with much ease and a massive database full of information and ideas flowing which can be accessed at any time when needed.
No matter what information you’re looking for, the internet has it but be careful as you should always verify the information you gather from the internet and make sure you’re retrieving this valued information from a reliable source. One way to establish what is right and wrong is to consult books and hence both keep a balance between resources making one always necessary for the other.
When a person utilizes both resources, they would have a beneficial and fruitful learning experience with more confidence in what they are gathering information on or learning which in turn provides the individual with a solid experience. So next time you decide to learn or get a better understanding of a certain aspect, be sure to make the best of both worlds.
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