Simple Technique: Teach To Be Taught
Teach To Be Taught!
Have you ever learnt something and felt you knew all there is to know about it and when someone asked you to explain, it turned out be another story or you suddenly realized that you never really fully understand the particular concept till now.
In my experience, it has occurred on many occasions and has taught me that teaching others teaches yourself to master the particular concept much more. Ok, maybe not master but get one step closer every time to your goal of comprehending it with a deeper understanding every time.
I feel that this is a great concept and technique to use which benefits others as well as yourself in the process. From this, I see the wisdom from the saying that in the deed of helping others, you get double the reward.
If you analyse this concept, you notice two aspects which is key to using this technique of helping others and teaching. Firstly, by teaching, you have less pressure on yourself and see things in a more relaxed point of view. The second aspect to point out is that there is repetition occurring as you going through this again which refreshes your knowledge and increases your chances of new discoveries.
It’s kind of like when you watch a movie and after a couple days or so, you watch it again, have you ever noticed how you discover new things that you never picked up the first time, yeah, same concept.
Some of you may think that this is not true and is a bunch of nonsense but try it, help someone with the knowledge you have and in most cases if not all, you shall discover something new or forgotten that will give you the realization that I and many others have discovered which is that teaching others makes you look at what you’ve learnt in a whole different view.
In my opinion, it is worth the try because I believe it is a great way to look at things from a different perspective and get a clearer view.
Life is always a learning experience and we continue to learn from cradle to grave, sometimes new things and some old but every time you learn, you grow and with this technique of helping others grow, you grow as well.
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